Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts

God gave spiritual gifts to the Church because He intended them to be used when believers met together as the Body of Christ. They therefore need to be considered in the context of our corporate life together. God never intended them to be a kind of special exclusive blessing for a selected few while leaving the overwhelming majority of believers to struggle on their own. Indeed spiritual gifts have become a problem area for many Churches precisely because Christians are receiving them. The Church in general has been so used to doing without them for so long that they are almost an intrusion, considered the result of fanaticism - extreme, and definitely not for use in Churches. Instead of giving them their full and proper place in God's order they are often banished to the prayer meeting or restricted to private use only, with the hope that this will maintain unity and avoid conflict within the Church. We are now living in days when God wants all spiritual gifts restored to their proper Biblical function, and Churches are going to have to come to terms with what God is doing through the outpouring of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit never causes a division or split in a Church on this issue. It is the inflexibility of the people to recognize and absorb what God is doing, and it is a corporate proble that needs to be faced and tackled rather than seeking a cheap peace. There may be a separation as a result, because in any group there will be those keener than others to move on with God, but it is hardly God's fault if this happens. Indeed God wants us all to walk in the light and it is better to be honest and open and seek a solution rather than allow the Devil to stir up rumblings of dicontent anywhere in the Body of Christ.

Practical aspects of spiritual gifts

Very few would disagree that spiritual gifts including tongues are for personal use in building up an individual believer and for ministering in counseling. The bigger issue is to what degree they should be used corporately meetings and Church services. Much confusion arises over 1 Corinthians 12 - 14, so it is worth going over some basic ground at this point.

God does not want us ignorant about spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:1) and the more you know and understand the better. Paul is thorough in his exposition to despel ignorance not compound it! Let us look at those controvesial gifts.

Spiritual gifts - untiy in diversity

Paul said: "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills" (1 Cor. 12:4 - 11, NKJV).

Many books are available which cover the gifts in detail but a brief summary of each is including here for clarity:

1. The word of wisdom is the gift of supernatural wisdom for a specific situation, so that you know you are receiving directly God's wisdom on the matter. It is a higher wisdom than the natural mind and comes from the Spirit of God as a gift. Usually you have to come to an end of natural wisdom first, but God gives it as a gift and in line with what James said: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and withoug reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5). This is a wonderful gift covering many situations.

2. The word of knowledge is the gift of a key to unlock a situation. For example God can reveal the cause of a problem in the past or reveal a need. As God knows everything He simply gives the knowledge needed for the situation. It can expose a sin, such as Ananias and Saphira secretly withholding money and lying about it. It is often used in healing meetings to instill faith that if God can reveal the sickness He can also heal the person who has it! It is invaluable in counselling and a necessary part of the Church's resources, as it enables you to hear direct from God.

3. The gift of faith is the special supernatural gift of faith for a situation beyond your own faith. God has given to every believer the measure of faith (Romans 12:3) so you have the normal measure. You then have to develop your faith to go from faith to faith, and faith comes from hearing and applying the Word of God (Romans 10:17). God will never move outside the realm of faith because "Whatever is not from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23) and "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb. 11:6). Rather than have us move in unbelieve God gives the gift of faith to enable Him to move in a situation beyond our own normal level of faith.

4. The gifts of healings are self-explanatory and over both physical and emotional healing. This is healing in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, and although it is a gift to the Church, i.e. primary for believers, God will often heal unbelievers as a sign to them the gospel is true. There are many ways the gift can be given and received, and it is not restricted to healing meetings or any set formula. Divine health is a gift to the Body of Christ.

5. The working of miracles is the instant manifestation of the power of God, and should not be confused with healing, which may take time. The instantaneous cure of a sickness or the recreation of a part of the body is a miracle. It covers a wide area and is in essence the manifestation of the supernatural power of God in whatever way is needed. You work your own miracles by faith and often several of the gifts will work together. It is a marvelous gift from God. There may well come a time when you will have to move into this area and seek God for a miracle working ministry repeating many of the miracles that Jesus did.

6. The gift of prophecy is simply speaking the pure word of God, not necessarily relating to the future. Often it is preceded by "Thus saith the Lord", and those prophesying are bringing a message from heaven and are told to prophesy according to their faith. It is not intended to be used for guidance but for the strengthening, encouragement and comfort of the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 14:3).

7. The discerning of spirits is the ability to discern what is happening in the spirit realm. It covers knowing whether a prophecy or tongue is counterfeit and is therefore a check for the Body of Christ, and also links with the word of knowledge to discern what is happening spiritually. For example when Jesus said to Peter "Get thee behind me Satan" He was exercising this gift, as Satan had manipulated Peter to divert Jesus from the will of the Father, and Jesus discerned the Satanic source.

8. Tongues are languages supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit which have not been learnt. We know this from Acts 2 where 15 are listed as being heard on the day of Pentecost. They also include angelic language (1 Cor. 13:1). Some are known to God alone. The point is that they are not incoherent nonsense but actually communicate in the Spirit. As with learning a language you get a few words, then more and finally a flow, so it is with tongues and some are better at it than others. You can have more than one tongue or language, and can even ask God to add more! The reason God gives tongues from the Spirit is so that we move out of the natural area which we control into the Spirit area, which the Holy Spirit controls. Tongues therefore have a private function such as praying, for that is what praying 'in the Spirit' actually is, and a public function to speak out the tongue given by God so that it may be interpreted.

9. The interpretation of tongues then become obvious. You need people to interpret the tongues given publicly otherwise there is not point in having them. This too is a gift. It is an interpretation, not necessarily always a literal translation, so the length of the tongue and the length of the interpretation can differ.

The usage of spiritual gifts

The nine listed gifts of the Spirit are given to individuals for the common good (1 Cor. 12:7). When believers meet together in the Church service it is impossible that everyone will manifest all the gifts including tongues. Nevertheless Paul still desire that all should speak in tongues (1 Cor. 14:5). There clearly has to be difference between speaking in tongues personally and giving a message in tongues in a meeting. Everyone should do the first but not everyone has opportunity for the second. In fact he says that only two or three at a time should do the second (1 Cor. 14:27).

Paul said: "Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues" (1 Cor. 14:39).

When Paul means is that we can give the word of the Lord, but as with tongues he expects everyone to prophesy privately and from time to time to use this gift as part of their public ministry. That is why not all prophesy in the meeting. Because a meeting needs to be decent and orderly. Paul gives specific instructions on how it should flow. For example a tongue should be followed by an interpretation and if there isn't one you should seek one (1 Cor. 14:13) otherwise it's better to keep quiet.

God is a God of order and it is to avoid discorder and confusion that Paul gives the detailed instructions to the Corinthian Church. The avoidance of the use of spiritual gifts is no real solution when difficulties arise and effectively prevents the Body of Christ functioning as God intended. There needs to be an opportunity for gifts and ministries to develop and if this cannot be in the main service or meeting then some other occasion needs to be found because this is how believers are built up and the Body of Christ grows.

This ties in with the priesthood of all believers because body ministry is impossible without it. It is because we don't usually see all believers as priests that we do not have meetings based on that principle. One man cannot lead body ministry by definition. Whatever structure you currently have and however much you try to move towards a Biblical model of leadership the crunch will come in the services or meetings. This is where it shows the degree you believe in body ministry and the ability of all believers to minister.

Paul said: "How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation, let all this be done for edification" (1 Cor. 14:26).

In other word, everyone can receive something from the Lord and can give it at the meetings. Anyone can start a song, share a testimony, give teaching from the Bible, share a truth God has show him, give a message in tongues, interpret someone else's tongue or give a prophecy. There then follows detailed instruction on how to keep the meeting in order.

It is worth noting in passing that women are also priests automatically as far as God is concerned. The current debate about a woman leading a Local Church like a man is a challenge to the authority that God has clearly structured in 1 Tim. 2:12. They are not to have a teaching ministry or authority over men, whatever the current sociological vogue, because Paul's argument is not based on culture but creation. Notice that as Pastors, women need to teach and exercise authority over men. But as priests they should have equal opportunity to contribute in a meeting.

True body ministry means that the leaders will not necessarily speak anyway. We do need to give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to speak prophetically to the Church, and the instruction from Paul in this matter - "Do not quench the Sprit, do not despise prophecies, test all things; hold fast what is good" (1 Tess. 5:19 - 21).

Many leaders and Churches fear that the meeting will somehow be out of control if they allow body ministry, because no-one is visibly in charge. This is not actually true, as elders who are filled with the Holy Spirit, are invisibly supporting and watching over the meeting in a corrective role to prevent disorder, and the sign of a good meeting is that their presence is hardly noticed. It's not a free for all but freedom to minister, knowing that there is a safety net if needed. In addition there are the Biblical checks of discernment and weighing prophecy. There is also the basic witness of the Holy Spirit so that each person can filter out what is not Spirit and life. God is actually able to speak through His minister, and the gifts of the Spirit such as tongues and prophecy are God speaking in the meeting. In an open meeting of this type you would expect choruses (songs), prayer, prophecy, tongues, interpretation, singing in the Spirit, dancing in the Spirit and possible words of knowledge and wisdom, healing or whatever the Lord directs, as He is directing the meeting. God wants us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and that may well involve us in moving into areas we are not naturally comfortable with.

The prophetic ministry in body ministry

The prophetic ministry is a key ingredient in body ministry. All through history God has raised up prophets to bring the Word of the Lord to His people, despite its frequent rejection, and God wants this ministry in the Church today. In 1 Cor. 12:28, God has appointed first, apostles (who, by the way, need to have those "signs following" that marked an apostle such as signs, wonders and miracles - 2 Cor. 12:12. They are not merely be sent out from their Church) and second, prophets. That is a measure of their importance, as the need to hear the Word of the Lord and encourage all those with a prophetic ministry to go deeper. We must never despise prophesying, but rather weigh the prophecies against the Bible and exercise discernment and witness of the Spirit. What is your own attitude to spiritual gifts? Do you see them and earnestly desire to prophesy? If so ask the Lord and claim the promise of Luke 11:9 that you will receive what you ask for. The giver is more important that the gifts but God does want His Church fully equipped and for you to have them.

The result of despising body ministry

There is an interesting cautionary tale found in 2 Samuel 6. When the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem, David danced before the Lord with all his might. It was quite a sight!

"... Michal, Saul's daugher, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart" (2 Sam. 6:16). The chapter ends with these words - "Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death" (2 Sam. 6:23).

If you despise body ministry and God's principles for meeting together, tongues, dancing in the Spirit and even the gifts of the Spirits, the result will be the same - barrenness in you life and Church. It is is up to us to allow the Holy Spirit His perfect way with us and to submit to the Word of God, so that we do not miss any of what God has for us in these days of renewal either as individuals or corporately as the Body of Christ. May we respond like David - "And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight" (2 Sam. 6:22).

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