This message is the contiuation of my previous message. Once again with the help of typology, the study of Bible types and Bible numbers, we a able to discern the deep things of God and gems of spiritual truth which our natural senses cannot see or perceive.
In my previous message we have considered the length (300 cubits) and height (30 cubits) of Noah's ark which speaks of the instrument God uses for our end-time deliverance. But I have deliberately left out the width of the ark, which was 50 cubits until now. As you follow through this message you will be amazed how close we are, according to God's time-table, to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Scripture, the number 50 speaks of the fullness of the Spirit. But unfortunately Satan deceptively uses this number to indicate the fullness of the evil spirit to deceive God's people. So, the number 50 can be used both negatively and positively. Let us, to begin with, consider Satan's use of this number and then move on to the proper use of this number.
The Story of the Jewish girl Esther
Esther was a beautiful Jewish maiden living in the Persian Empire during the time when the Jewish people were exiled from their land. She was an orphan girl brought up by her cousin Mordecai who was an important official in the court of the Persian king.
It came to pass Esther was chosen to be the new queen when queen Vashti was displaced by the king. However, Esther had never publicly revealed the fact that she was Jewish. Haman, who hated Mordecai, was also an official in the court of the Persian king. He sought to destroy all the Jews in the provinces and obtained a decree from the king to this effect. He also built a gallows 50 cubits high to hang Mordecai (Est. 5:14). But Esther was willing to lay down her life to ask favor from the king and subsequently revealed Haman's evil sheme. Finally all the Jews were deliverd and Haman was hang instead of Mordecai on the 50 cubits high gallows.
The fact is that you don't need a 50 cubits (height of a 7-storey building) high gallows to hang a man unless you are desperate to destroy him! Haman who was desperate to destroy Mordecai was a type of Satan. His intention was motivated by the flesh. Mordecai, on the other hand, represented the people of God was a type of the Holy Spirit. The number 50 speaks of the true anointing of the Holy Spirit and Haman speaks of the flesh with its false anointing. The number 50 in the case of Haman speaks of the fullness of God's Spirit in him.
Many in the charismatic and Pentecostal circle are moving in the flesh -they speaks false tongues and prophesize falsely. But the days are coming when the true anointing of God is going to put in the right band of people and they will not move in the flesh but will prepare to move in Spirit and use the Spirit of Lord to glorify God.
The Year of Jubilee
The word "jubilee" comes from the Hebrew word "yobel" which means "blowing the trumpet and be jubilant". For the children of Israel the Jubilee year was launched with a blast from a ram's horn on the Day of Atonement, signifying a call to joy, liberation, being set free, and the beginning of a year for "doing justice" and "loving mercy".
God commanded His people through Moses: "And you shall count seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven year; and the time of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years. Then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall make the trumpet to sound through out all your land. And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family" (Lev. 25:8 - 10, NKJV, emphasis added).
The 50th year which is the year of Jubilee was to be a time in which liberty should be proclaimed to all the inhabitants of the country. If people owed money, in the year of Jubilee they were released from all their debts. If they have a mortgage on their home the mortage was over - became null and void. If people were in the prison houses, they were set free from prison.
The Last Jubilee
The Bible tells us clearly concerning the time and period of the various Jubilee years and when will be the Last Jubilee. The main purpose of all these Jubilee years is to set "prisoners" free and to deliver those who need to be delivered.
From Adam to Abraham was a period of 2000 years which works out to be 40 Jubilee years (or forty 50 years periods). From Abraham to Jesus Christ was another period of 2000 years or another 40 Jubilee years. From Christ to where we are today (A.D. 2007) there is another 40 Jubilee years. But the fact is, not only we are living in the last Jubilee but we have already lived past the last Jubilee year which should be in the year A.D. 2000 or the latest in the year A.D. 2004, if we assumed that Christ was born on A.D. 4. It looks as if we are living on borrowed time! Are we?
The significance of the number 120
An interesting fact is that all together, from Adam to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ there are 120 Jubilee years.
Let us refer to the days of Noah when God sent judgment to all flesh:
The Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years" (Gen. 6:3, emphasis added).
The Lord was not talking about individual human being, but about the days of the human race which will be 120 years. He was referring to the duration and not the life of the individual. Here, the number 120 speaks of the "end of all flesh". We shall see it is no mere coincidence that it is also the total number of Jubilee years. It is in fact the number of Jubilee years and not just ordinary years!
At the fullness of Time
Jesus Himself said no one knows of the day or hour of His coming again:
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matt. 24:36).
This is one of the secret things that belongs to the Lord (Deut. 29:29). therefore he who claims that he knows the day or hour of the Second Coming of Christ is a false prophet or a false teacher.
But we do know something about the First Coming of Jesus Christ:
"But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, ..." (Gal. 4:4, NKJV, emphasis added).
It is God Himself who determines when is the "fullness of time"; it is His prerogative, and totally under His jurisdiction and under His control!
It is reasonable to believe that the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will also depend on God the Father's "fullness of time". Therefore no one at all can claim he knows the day or hour.
The Last Trumpet
We have seen earlier that each Jubilee year was announced by a trumpet sound (Lev. 25).
Paul mentioned the last Jubilee (120th Jubilee) with its last trumpet:
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" (1 Cor. 15:51, 52, emphasis added).
Notice our mortal flesh is corruptible and so at the last trumpet, at the last jubilee, God will put an end to our flesh. And we will be raised with a spiritual body which is incorruptible (1 Cor. 15:44).
Time is running out on us but we will see the glory of God shortly. In the year of Jubilee the high priest went beyond the second veil and into the Holy of Holies, into the fullness of God's presence (Hebrews 9:7).
Christ our Great High Priest entered the Most Holy Place (The Holy of Holies), the Heavenly Sanctuary (Heb. 912) more than 2000 years ago. And God is getting His end-time Church to enter the Heavenly Sanctuary to partake of the End-time Feast of the Lord!
Fullness of our Salvation
The Scripture reveals that as long as we are in our corruptible flesh we have not received the fullness of our salvation yet. This is clarified by the following passages of Scripture:
1. The Holy Spirit is given as a security deposit
"Now He who established us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee" (2 Cor. 1:21, 22, NKJV, emphasis added).
Do not assume that when we are born again by the Spirit of God and also baptized in the Holy Spirit we have arrived and have got it all. What we have received in the baptism in the Holy Spirit is just the security deposit and the guarantee of the fulfillment of God's promise of what He is going to bring us into in these last days.
2. Fullness of Salvation yet to be revealed
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and tha does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:3 - 5, emphasis added).
God has reserved the fullness of our salvation in the last days.
3. Fullness of salvation is offered for those who are eagerly waiting for Christ's return
"And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation" (Hebrews 9:27, 28, emphasis added).
The word "salvation" mentioned in the above passages of Scripture comes from the Greek word "soteria" which means "deliverance". Therefore, hidden in the measurements of Noah's Ark (300 cubit long, 30 cubits high and 50 cubit wide) is a beautiful picture or type of God's end-time vessel of deliverance. And we are the chosen vessels of deliverance at this end-time hour.
We have seen in my last week's message that the Temple of Solomon is a type of God's end-time Church. If the temple of Solomon (the former house) was filled with the cloud of God's glory (1 kings 8:11), the glory of the latter house (the true end-time Church) will be far more glorious! And the knowledge of God's glory will flow out from God's people and cover the whole earth "as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).
I am doing some research on much of what you wrote in this particular entry. I am curious as to your sources, aside from Scripture of course. I would like to gather more information and would greatly appreciate it. As well as get a better understanding of the 120 years, the last jubilee and how all of that plays out.
Interesting read, thank you.
Dear Frank, I agree with your 120 jubilee years representing 6000 years, but I also see that it has a twofold meaning in that there is also a limit of 120 years for a person to live. Your concept of 80 jubilee years to Christ’s birth is incorrect, it is to the cross. The architecture of the earthly tabernacle helps here as the veil represents Christ’s flesh and was rent at the crucifixion. The veil was positioned at two thirds of the length of the tabernacle separating the holy from the most holy place. This indicates the sixth thousand years being divided into two thirds and one third, 80 jubilee years plus 40 jubilee years, 4000 years plus 2000 years. Christ declared the fulfillment of the prophecy of the acceptable year of the Lord, a jubilee year, at the beginning of His ministry AD 27 [ref Luke 4:17-21], the crucifixion being in 31 AD. This puts the next jubilee to be in the year 2027, approx. 16 years from now. That gives enough time for the eighth king who is of the seven to begin his rule. The seventh king is reigning at the moment and he is 85 years old. This eighth king will be a beast meaning he will do as the beast power did during the one thousand two hundred and sixty years when about 100 million Christians were tortured and put to death. Today there are hundreds of detention camps (+/- 800 in the U.S.) that have been built all around the world all in readiness to bring the population numbers down dramatically. Some of these camps are renovated from WW2, some new, all operational with several having gas facilities. There may be different plans for extermination as well for other countries. By predicting the second coming is in 2015, and others are saying similar things, the masses will be largely disappointed and you may be held responsible for a great disappointment, and a great falling away that will happen before the true date of the second coming. Yes God’s people will be sealed and protected, the plagues will not hurt them, but of these there will be few, for all are deceived and wonder after the beast. None study the Word of God to seek the truth, they are at the mercy of pastor’s and ministers who are shepherding all their flocks back to the Mother Church, basically keeping them away from the truth that is required for salvation. You ought to know what that truth is, it is plain as day. Frank, if you are fully persuaded in your mind that you are correct then so be it, I do not wish to argue but to request that you rethink your facts. By the way are you aware of the cubit being 20.6 inches long. According to Ron Wyatt Moses would have used the Royal Egyptian Cubit for the measurements of Noah’s Ark. Thank you for your website that I came to find. – Noel.
It is important to understand the correct jubileecycle.
The 6000 years will end year 2028.
Its important to understand who the Antichrist will be.
It is important to understand the correct jubileecycle.
The 6000 years will end year 2028.
Its important to understand who the Antichrist will be.
Hi I'm hearing all different dates on the Jubilee there was a Rabbi who lived 800 to 900 years ago that said the Lord would be back in 2017 he was right with all the other Jubilee dates and everything that he said would happen on those years. I was shown things by the Lord.... but every time I tell people they keep screaming at me NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR ..... but its not about His 2nd coming its about the date of the Rapture is there anywhere in the Bible that says your not supposed to know the date of the Rapture too or just His 2nd coming???? Thank you.
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