Much of the focus of the contemporary Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches has been on in the Spirit. We worship God in Spirit; we sing in the Spirit; we pray in the Spirit and we dance in the Spirit and so on. The question is - are we doing it right in the eyes of God in the right spirit?
How many times have you heard a preacher said in the Local Church something like this: "Let us raise our hands; speak in tongues and worship God in the Spirit. The Bible says we should worship God in Spirit and in Truth!"? The preacher usually did not explain what is meant by "Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.
The fact is that raising our hands does not make us true worshipers. True worshipers worship God in two ways: In Spirit and in Truth. You will not see any physical manifestation when someone is truly worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth. The fact is, praying in the Spirit goes far beyond just speaking in tongues. I can speak in tongues and not be "in the Spirit" at all. The physical gyrations I put myself through may have very little to do with worship. I must enter into the spirit of worship, and to do that I must come to God in truth.
True worship of God is only being done by those people who are truthful in their relationship with God. How can we worship a God that we are lying to? Here is where the problem of worshiping God in Spirit comes in. We will never enter into the true spirit of worship if we are not truthful with God. In my opinion the woman at the well (John 4) was in much better shape than many Christians today. One thing about her was that she was truthful. When Jesus pointed out her sin, she said, "You are right; I'm living in sin".
The woman at the well
In John Chapter 4 we find the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus explained to the woman of Samaria that if she would drink from what He could give her, she would never thirst again. Let us pick up part of the conversation between them:
"The woman said to Him, 'Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw,' Jesus said to her, 'Go, call your husband, and come here.' The woman answered and said, 'I have no husband.' Jesus said to her, 'You have well said, 'I have no husband.' 'for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly" (John 4:15 - 18, NKJV).
When Jesus pointed out this woman's sin, she was very quick to admit it. She did not try to whitewash it; she simply said, "I have no husband." She did not try to cover her actions at all. She allowed Jesus to reveal the truth about her.
Proper way to worship God
When Jesus was asked by the woman about the proper way to worship God, He responded:
"Woman, belive Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:21 - 24).
Here are som statements of truth:
1. Many heathens considered certain places pecularly holy or fit for the worship of their deities. But Jesus was pointing out that the place was a matter of little importance. The time was at hand in which the spiritual worship of God was about to be establised on earth, and all the rites and ceremonies of the heathens and the Jews were to be abolished entirely. The fact is that salvation is of the Jews (the Messiah, being a Jew, will bring salvation), only the Jews understand the true form of worship. But many Jews had corrupted it.
2. True worship was no longer going to focus un on a place but rather on an attitude. True worship was going to take place in the heart from that moment on. The issue was no longer the outward actions or rituals. The issue was becoming focused on who we are in Christ. Jesus was trying to make the point God now lives in the heart, and the heart becomes the place of worship. If a person's heart is not right with God, if there is no truth, he cannot properly worship God. Without truth we will never enter into the true spirit of worship.
3. The woman was dealing with the physical aspect of her relationship with God, but Jesus was dealing with the spiritual aspect of that relationship.
Renaming Sin
The world and the Church are diligently working to rename sin. Instead of dealing with the truth of the matter, we rename it. If it can be renamed, then it does not bother anyone and we don't have to deal with it! There are no alcoholics in the Church; there are only social drinkers. There are no gamblers in the Church; there are only investors of stocks and shares. Nobody in the Church has a problem with lust; all we deal with is sexual indiscretion. Renaming sin is like not admitting sin. We have the mentality that if a sin is not fully committed, it will not be considered sin by God. The root cause of renaming sin is disobedience. We have this mentality that as long as we sin in moderation it will be tolerable to God. But the Scripture says: "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God" (1 John 3:9, NKJV, emphasis added).
Notice that not only a truly born-again believer does not sin, but also he cannot sin - not capable of sinning! God's seed in him will not allow him to sin. Therefore, those who rename sin are not born again; they are not saved.
Result of not dealing with truth
The person who will not deal with the truth ultimately deals with great sacrifice. A good example is found in 1 Samuel 15 where there is an account of the prophet Samuel and King Saul. God had instructed King Saul to go and utterly destroy the Amalekites. However, when King Saul returned, it was discovered that he did not utterly them. The Lord was grieved that He had made Saul king because he didn't carry out the Lord's instruction (1 Samuel 15:10).
It is interesting that Saul was fully convinced that he had completely fulfilled them, He even said to Samuel: "They (the people) have brought them (animals) from the Amalekites; for the people spared the best of the sheep and the oxen, to sacrifice to the Lord your God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed" (Verse 15).
Samuel then told Saul how God was grieved that He had made him king, and yet Saul still did not get the message. He was still fully convinced that half-sin is not full sin. He said to Samuel: "But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag king of Amalek; I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. But the people took of the plunder, sheep and oxen, the best of things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal" (Verses 20, 21).
Saul obviously misunderstood what Samuel said about "utterly destroy" - destroy everything, people, animals and things. He said that he brought back these few things so that he could sacrifice them to God. Samuel then made his now famous statement:
"Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams" (1 Samuel 15:22, NKJV).
It is not that God does not want sacrifice. It is that obedience is better than sacrifice in that obedience goes before sin; sacrifice goes after it! If Saul had simply obeyed God, it would not have been necessary to make a sacrifice. No matter how we try to justify our sin today, it will be the first thing we sacrifice once God has us on our knees. What we are finding in contemporary Christianity are people who will search the Scripture to justify their life styles and yet not search their hearts to find their God!
Make no provision for the flesh
Whenever we justify our sin, we will live in a world of sacrifices. Since we don't fully put to death things which appeal to our flesh, we will constantly be asking God to forgive us for our involvement in them.
Paul said, "Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts" (Romans 13:13, 14).
But, instead of clothing ourselves with Jesus Christ, many of us make provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust of it. People who have a drinking problem often pattern their lives so as to make it easy for them to drink - they keep company with drinkers and hang around the bars. People who have a gambling problem make frequent trips to Macau or Las Vegas for "sightseeing". People who have a lust problem, have internet assess where pornographic websites are freely available.
Paul also said, "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish" (Gal. 5:17).
Many of us have this constant struggle going on inside us. Our flesh does not want to seek God. Our spirit does. The one we give into, whether the flesh or the spirit, will determine what comes out of our lives.
It is interesting to find out the reason why King Saul was instructed by God to utterly destroy the Amalekites. The Amalekites were very immoral people. They represent the constant struggle man has with his flesh. The Amalekites (speak of the flesh) were always fighting against God's people (speak of the spirit). Saul would not utterly destroy them because he was as fleshly as the Amalekites. His spirit had no power to overcome his flesh. That is the reason why God rejected him as King.
On the other hand, King David lived in a world of sacrifices. David had his problems with obeying God. However, David had a heart for God and eventually learned what God was looking for.
After he had committed adultery with Bathesheba and after Prophet Nathan had confronted him, David wrote: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise" (Ps. 51:17).
The phrase "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit" indicates David came to God and worshiped Him in Spirit. The phrase "A broken and a contrite heart" indicates David came to God in truth. David was honest with God.
We will never shock God with truth. If we decide to tell God about our problem with sin, we will not set God back on His throne in astonishment. We must come to God in truth; otherwise, we will not let God deal with us. If I am trying to hide my sin from God, then I will refuse any help from Him because to accept His help is to admit to my sin.
We must ask ourselves, "Do I want to be one of the true worshipers of God?" If we do, then we must go to Him with our hearts opened. We must allow God to minister to us. God will never reveal sin to bring judgment upon us. God reveals sin for one purpose: to bring repentance and reconciliation. God does not want to condemn us to hell anymore that we would want to send our own children to damnation!
Most of my postings are serious, deep and heavy Bible stuff. If you are looking for some watered down and entertaining christian readings you may find these messages controversial, sensitive and even offensive. It is unlikely that you would hear this type of messages in the comtemporary Local Church because these are not "itching ears" messages (1 Tim 4:3,4). My readers should emulate the Bereans (Acts 17:11) as they read. All critics are welcome.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Victory in the Strong Tower
The Old Testament indicates that there are two different types of towers. The first of these is the Strong Tower or High Tower, two of Bible's many pseudonyms.
Solomon said, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10, NKJV).
David, the psalmist said, "For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from my enemy" (Psalm 61:3).
David also said, "Blessed the the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle - my lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge, ..." (Psalm 144:1, 2, emphasis added).
The second type is the watchtower or tower.
Isaiah, talking about the Lord's vineyard, said: "He (God) dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, ..." (Isaiah 5:2).
Spiritually speaking, the watchtower is the Church, a refuge from the world.
General situation today
The Strong Tower (the Lord) and the watchtower (the Church) both serve a similar function in that they are always to provide a refuge from the enemy. However, only one of these is functioning at full capacity today - the Strong Tower, the invincible, eternal Tower (God). The watchtower is growing weak and crumbling, no longer offering the saints a refuge where they may enjoy thoughts that mirror God's thoughts and ways that are the ways of God. If a Church adopts the ways of the same world it is supposed to oppose, the saints can no longer receive the relief they used to in their Church.
Today believers do not pray as much as they should and so they cut themselves from God. Consequently, they lose the knowledge of the Holy God. Yet, at the same time a few believers sense a need to return to seeking the Lord in prayer. These are the ones that regularly attend the Church prayer meetings. They want to know and experience their Lord, not just promote a moral way of living. What unavoidably ensures is a split between those who attend prayer meetings and those who do not.
The watchtower divided against itself
The most basic cause of all these splits is a lack of unity. The contemporary believers lose their unity when they begin to develop vastly different convictions. This potpourri of convictions surfaces because most of the believers base their convictions on elements they do not share in common: their respective pasts and feelings. Everyone has a different past. If everyone bases his convictions on his past, his convictions will, therefore, be as distinct as his past. The same is true of feelings, whcih are both unique and fickle. Believers are living their lives in the soul realm instead of in the spirit realm. They are divided because they were not led by the Spirit of God.
The early New Testament believers, on the other hand, were of one mind, sharing common beliefs and convictions. These common convictions became the mortar that held their tower together, without which it would have crumbled. They shared common convictions because they received them from a common source - the Holy Spirit. As I shared in an earlier message - "Victory in seeking God", convictions are established by the Holy Spirit (John 16:7 - 11). Not only they shared common convictions, but also shared everything together:
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer" (Acts 2:42).
Notice that instead of Church split, the following verses (Acts 2:44 - 47) say many were added to the Church daily!
Transformation brought by the Strong Tower
God will always be a refuge for His people. He will always be a strong tower. This means if the Church does not also act as a refuge, we will go to God for our protection from the world. This can happen if the world gets into the Church and the Pastors and leaders have no communication with God - not seeking God in prayer.
A transformation takes place when you spend time with God. Slowly, you begin to think the way God thinks. Your thoughts become His thoughts. For example, Solomon, talking about the wisdom of God, said:
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate" (Proverbs 8:13).
The above teaches that God hates evil and that the one who truly fears the Lord will hate evil. Yet today very few believers hate evil. Most of us can't even grasp the notion of despising and loathing evil as God does. We don't hate evil. We tolerate it. We form indifferences toward it. Sometimes, we even flirt with it!
The word "hate" is a very strong verb. It transcends "dislike" by miles and not even in the same category with "indifference". Hate indicates strong, passionate, sometimes uncontrollable emotion. The believer who spends time with God will understand and know this hatred of evil. The believer who neglects to spend time with God will never know or even begin to understand it.
A bond strengthens in prayer between God and the believer. As he begins to think and act more like God, issues around him become very black and white in contrast. For him, "to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21). Either issues around him are for God, or they are against God. Nothing is truly neutral for him. Whatever is not for God is against Him (Matt. 12:30). He sees no middle ground because he evaluates life on God's scale of importance - eternity.
Isaish said, "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are are the desire of our hearts. My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:8, 9, NIV).
Here are some statements of truth:
1. Isaiah was following God's law, doing things God's way. Futhermore, he said that he wanted God, he wanted His Name to be know, and he wanted God to be remembered.
2. Isaiah wanted God, day and night. There was nothing in the world that he wanted more. His spirit was contnually longing after God; his spirit was continually seeking Him.
3. According to Isaiah, people only learn righteousness when judgments of God come upon the earth. I believe the presnt economic crisis is God's way of teaching the poeple of the world righteousness! Amazing!
Calling sin, sin
As far as the people of the world are concerned, sin is not big news. After all who doesn't sin? The news is judgment. That which the world discovers as sinful in the Church is not the problem. The problem is how the Church handles sinfulness. Once a Church stops dealing with sin, it no longer show the world the majesty of God.
A Christian who spends time with God and seeks Him in prayer develops the sensitivity of the prophet Isaiah. He has the eyes and ears of a prophet. He wants his God glorified; he wants his tower (the Church) to remain strong, a refuge from the world. His whole thought is that the Church must call sin, sin!
A person's concept of the Strong Tower
Most people receive their concept of God from their Church or denomination. A believer is generally able to have faith in God only to the degree that his Church does. For example, a believer who attends a Baptist or Lutheran Church will not believe in divine healing or speaking in tongues. Why? It is because his Church does not teach it. On the other hand, a believer who attends a Charismatic or Pentecostal Church will believer most fervently in such divine manifestations. It is because his Church teaches it.
Your faith in God is limited to your concept of God. No Church can rise above its own level of faith. If your Pastor preaches that divine healing is a manifestation of God limited to the days of the apostles, then it is likely that you will believe this also. Consequently, you will not have the faith that would lead you to pray for healing.
Elisha's and Moses' concept of God
We need to develop our own concept of God and not to rely on another person's concept of God. I discovered, with amazement, that even Elisha failed to have his own concept of God in the beginning of his ministry.
Elisha was following Elijah all the way from Gilgal to River Jordan. He had just witnessed the power of God in parting the waters and in taking Elijah up in a chariot of fire. The Scripture says:
"Then he (Elisha) took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, 'Where is the Lord God of Elijah?' And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over" (2 Kings 2:14, NKJV, emphasis added).
Now, why didn't he cry, "Where is the Lord, my God"? It is because Elisha was dependant on Elijah for his concept of God. he has no concept of God of his own yet.
Similarly, God revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush as a third Person for the simple reason Moses and the children of Israel had no concept of God of their own yet.
"God said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: 'The Lord God of your fathers; the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations'" (Exodus 3:15, NKJV, emphasis added).
The danger of an inaccurate concept of God
The contemporary Church, in general, has been focusing on the Word of God to the exclusion of prayer. This has resulted in a very human concept of God. The Word of God deals with the fleshly aspect of God - the Word became flesh. Because of a focus on God's Word only, we have developed a very fleshly approach to God. Our worship of Him is also fleshly. We need to understand that the Word of God gives us the human concept of God. Prayer reminds us of the deity of God. Today, because of the lack of prayer, we have lost sight of the deity of Christ. From the lack of prayer and the Word, we have developed a concept of God that is off-center. Ministries that have a wrong concept of God then develop wrong concepts of God in the lives of those they bring to Christ. Mistakes like these are very serious because our concept of God determines how we worship God.
If we are not seeing God as He is and developing a concept of Him that is true to His nature, then we will see Him as He is not. The result will be that we will offer Him offensive worship - strange fire. There is a good example of offering strange fire to God recorded in the Book of Leviticus:
"Nadab and Abithu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the Lord and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. And Moses said to Aaron, 'This is what the Lord spoke, saying: 'By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people I must be glorified.'" (Lev. 10:1 - 3, NKJV, emphasis added).
Moses was telling Aaron not to be surprises at what happened to his sons because God has said that anybody who worships Him must treat Him as holy. Aaron's sons came before God offering Him strange fire or worship that is not in character with who God really is. God will not accept worship that is contrary to His true nature.
Revelation of the Strong Tower
Whenever God revealed Himself afresh to His people, it changes their concept of Him and their worship of Him. Isaiah had a supernatural revelation of God in which the Lord was surrounded by seraphim crying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host; the whole earth is full of His glory" (Isaiah 6:3)! With this revelation, Iasiah became a great prophet of God, and he said to God, "Here am I! Send me" (Isaiah 6:8).
Many Church revivals started with a fresh revelation of God. For example, Charles Wesley received a fresh revelation of God and this enabled him to write many classic hymns. Those hymns were a result of a concept of God that was based on the revelation knowledge he received from God. His brother Jonathan was bringing the revival in with his anointed preaching.
God wants us to have our own revelation of Him, not some warmed-over revelation that was somebody else's. The only way we'll ever have our own revelation of God is through seeking Him in prayer and the Word. There is no short cut. If we don't see God as He is, how can we show others who God really is? We may be leading them into false worship!
Solomon said, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe" (Proverbs 18:10, NKJV).
David, the psalmist said, "For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from my enemy" (Psalm 61:3).
David also said, "Blessed the the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle - my lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge, ..." (Psalm 144:1, 2, emphasis added).
The second type is the watchtower or tower.
Isaiah, talking about the Lord's vineyard, said: "He (God) dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, ..." (Isaiah 5:2).
Spiritually speaking, the watchtower is the Church, a refuge from the world.
General situation today
The Strong Tower (the Lord) and the watchtower (the Church) both serve a similar function in that they are always to provide a refuge from the enemy. However, only one of these is functioning at full capacity today - the Strong Tower, the invincible, eternal Tower (God). The watchtower is growing weak and crumbling, no longer offering the saints a refuge where they may enjoy thoughts that mirror God's thoughts and ways that are the ways of God. If a Church adopts the ways of the same world it is supposed to oppose, the saints can no longer receive the relief they used to in their Church.
Today believers do not pray as much as they should and so they cut themselves from God. Consequently, they lose the knowledge of the Holy God. Yet, at the same time a few believers sense a need to return to seeking the Lord in prayer. These are the ones that regularly attend the Church prayer meetings. They want to know and experience their Lord, not just promote a moral way of living. What unavoidably ensures is a split between those who attend prayer meetings and those who do not.
The watchtower divided against itself
The most basic cause of all these splits is a lack of unity. The contemporary believers lose their unity when they begin to develop vastly different convictions. This potpourri of convictions surfaces because most of the believers base their convictions on elements they do not share in common: their respective pasts and feelings. Everyone has a different past. If everyone bases his convictions on his past, his convictions will, therefore, be as distinct as his past. The same is true of feelings, whcih are both unique and fickle. Believers are living their lives in the soul realm instead of in the spirit realm. They are divided because they were not led by the Spirit of God.
The early New Testament believers, on the other hand, were of one mind, sharing common beliefs and convictions. These common convictions became the mortar that held their tower together, without which it would have crumbled. They shared common convictions because they received them from a common source - the Holy Spirit. As I shared in an earlier message - "Victory in seeking God", convictions are established by the Holy Spirit (John 16:7 - 11). Not only they shared common convictions, but also shared everything together:
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer" (Acts 2:42).
Notice that instead of Church split, the following verses (Acts 2:44 - 47) say many were added to the Church daily!
Transformation brought by the Strong Tower
God will always be a refuge for His people. He will always be a strong tower. This means if the Church does not also act as a refuge, we will go to God for our protection from the world. This can happen if the world gets into the Church and the Pastors and leaders have no communication with God - not seeking God in prayer.
A transformation takes place when you spend time with God. Slowly, you begin to think the way God thinks. Your thoughts become His thoughts. For example, Solomon, talking about the wisdom of God, said:
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate" (Proverbs 8:13).
The above teaches that God hates evil and that the one who truly fears the Lord will hate evil. Yet today very few believers hate evil. Most of us can't even grasp the notion of despising and loathing evil as God does. We don't hate evil. We tolerate it. We form indifferences toward it. Sometimes, we even flirt with it!
The word "hate" is a very strong verb. It transcends "dislike" by miles and not even in the same category with "indifference". Hate indicates strong, passionate, sometimes uncontrollable emotion. The believer who spends time with God will understand and know this hatred of evil. The believer who neglects to spend time with God will never know or even begin to understand it.
A bond strengthens in prayer between God and the believer. As he begins to think and act more like God, issues around him become very black and white in contrast. For him, "to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21). Either issues around him are for God, or they are against God. Nothing is truly neutral for him. Whatever is not for God is against Him (Matt. 12:30). He sees no middle ground because he evaluates life on God's scale of importance - eternity.
Isaish said, "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are are the desire of our hearts. My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:8, 9, NIV).
Here are some statements of truth:
1. Isaiah was following God's law, doing things God's way. Futhermore, he said that he wanted God, he wanted His Name to be know, and he wanted God to be remembered.
2. Isaiah wanted God, day and night. There was nothing in the world that he wanted more. His spirit was contnually longing after God; his spirit was continually seeking Him.
3. According to Isaiah, people only learn righteousness when judgments of God come upon the earth. I believe the presnt economic crisis is God's way of teaching the poeple of the world righteousness! Amazing!
Calling sin, sin
As far as the people of the world are concerned, sin is not big news. After all who doesn't sin? The news is judgment. That which the world discovers as sinful in the Church is not the problem. The problem is how the Church handles sinfulness. Once a Church stops dealing with sin, it no longer show the world the majesty of God.
A Christian who spends time with God and seeks Him in prayer develops the sensitivity of the prophet Isaiah. He has the eyes and ears of a prophet. He wants his God glorified; he wants his tower (the Church) to remain strong, a refuge from the world. His whole thought is that the Church must call sin, sin!
A person's concept of the Strong Tower
Most people receive their concept of God from their Church or denomination. A believer is generally able to have faith in God only to the degree that his Church does. For example, a believer who attends a Baptist or Lutheran Church will not believe in divine healing or speaking in tongues. Why? It is because his Church does not teach it. On the other hand, a believer who attends a Charismatic or Pentecostal Church will believer most fervently in such divine manifestations. It is because his Church teaches it.
Your faith in God is limited to your concept of God. No Church can rise above its own level of faith. If your Pastor preaches that divine healing is a manifestation of God limited to the days of the apostles, then it is likely that you will believe this also. Consequently, you will not have the faith that would lead you to pray for healing.
Elisha's and Moses' concept of God
We need to develop our own concept of God and not to rely on another person's concept of God. I discovered, with amazement, that even Elisha failed to have his own concept of God in the beginning of his ministry.
Elisha was following Elijah all the way from Gilgal to River Jordan. He had just witnessed the power of God in parting the waters and in taking Elijah up in a chariot of fire. The Scripture says:
"Then he (Elisha) took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, 'Where is the Lord God of Elijah?' And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over" (2 Kings 2:14, NKJV, emphasis added).
Now, why didn't he cry, "Where is the Lord, my God"? It is because Elisha was dependant on Elijah for his concept of God. he has no concept of God of his own yet.
Similarly, God revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush as a third Person for the simple reason Moses and the children of Israel had no concept of God of their own yet.
"God said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: 'The Lord God of your fathers; the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations'" (Exodus 3:15, NKJV, emphasis added).
The danger of an inaccurate concept of God
The contemporary Church, in general, has been focusing on the Word of God to the exclusion of prayer. This has resulted in a very human concept of God. The Word of God deals with the fleshly aspect of God - the Word became flesh. Because of a focus on God's Word only, we have developed a very fleshly approach to God. Our worship of Him is also fleshly. We need to understand that the Word of God gives us the human concept of God. Prayer reminds us of the deity of God. Today, because of the lack of prayer, we have lost sight of the deity of Christ. From the lack of prayer and the Word, we have developed a concept of God that is off-center. Ministries that have a wrong concept of God then develop wrong concepts of God in the lives of those they bring to Christ. Mistakes like these are very serious because our concept of God determines how we worship God.
If we are not seeing God as He is and developing a concept of Him that is true to His nature, then we will see Him as He is not. The result will be that we will offer Him offensive worship - strange fire. There is a good example of offering strange fire to God recorded in the Book of Leviticus:
"Nadab and Abithu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the Lord and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. And Moses said to Aaron, 'This is what the Lord spoke, saying: 'By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; and before all the people I must be glorified.'" (Lev. 10:1 - 3, NKJV, emphasis added).
Moses was telling Aaron not to be surprises at what happened to his sons because God has said that anybody who worships Him must treat Him as holy. Aaron's sons came before God offering Him strange fire or worship that is not in character with who God really is. God will not accept worship that is contrary to His true nature.
Revelation of the Strong Tower
Whenever God revealed Himself afresh to His people, it changes their concept of Him and their worship of Him. Isaiah had a supernatural revelation of God in which the Lord was surrounded by seraphim crying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of host; the whole earth is full of His glory" (Isaiah 6:3)! With this revelation, Iasiah became a great prophet of God, and he said to God, "Here am I! Send me" (Isaiah 6:8).
Many Church revivals started with a fresh revelation of God. For example, Charles Wesley received a fresh revelation of God and this enabled him to write many classic hymns. Those hymns were a result of a concept of God that was based on the revelation knowledge he received from God. His brother Jonathan was bringing the revival in with his anointed preaching.
God wants us to have our own revelation of Him, not some warmed-over revelation that was somebody else's. The only way we'll ever have our own revelation of God is through seeking Him in prayer and the Word. There is no short cut. If we don't see God as He is, how can we show others who God really is? We may be leading them into false worship!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Victory in Seeking God
Most of us have heard this story - "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp". It is a story about a boy, named Aladdin, who found a magic lamp in which a genie resided. The genie granted Aladdin three wishes, and the rest is history. What baffled me is the lack of any real relationship between Aladdin and the genie. Aladdin and the genie never socialized and never really developed a friendship. Their only communication was initiated by Aladdin when he was in a tight spot and needed something. He was interested only in getting as much as he could out of the genie. Surely you will agree with me that Aladdin was a very selfish and insensitive person.
Our Lord is not a genie
It is easy to see that many contemporary Christians are guilty of the same selfishness and insensitivity of Aladdin. Tragically, we treat the Lord, our God, like a genie in a magic lamp. Like young Aladdin with his genie, we often have very little relationship with our God. We call on Him only when we are in a tight spot and need something.
Many of us are seeking things from God under the pretense of seeking God. When we are sick, we seek healing from God. When hard financial times hit, we seek money from God. We call this seeking God, but in reality we are light years away from seeking God. The one who truly seeks God expects only one thing: God. He is looking for God, not just the things God. The prayer of his life is, "God, I just want You".
I believe we share a common trait with God in relationships. Any time we begin a new relationship we are hesitant to reveal very much about who we really are. However, if that relationship begins to develop and we recognize that this person is truly interested in who we are, we begin to tell this person things about ourselves that we would tell no one else. In the same way, God is hesitant to reveal very much of Himself to any casual seeker. However, when a person is truly interested in knowing who He is, he will seek Him in prayer. To such a person, God will reveal Himself in dynamic ways.
The urgent or the important
In contemporary Christianity, the demand of time in our work life, family life, Church life and social life is so great that we do not find much time in a day to pray. But when one of our children is seriously ill, or we receive a salary cut at work, or we are diagnosed as terminally ill, the day seems to expand. Suddenly, there is time enough to pray.
If we only pray when we are in the midst of a crisis, we develop the idea that prayer is just an "SOS" to God. Consequently, we never pray unless there is a disaster so great that we need to transmit a distress call to God. We are left with the misconception that prayer is a communication used exclusively as a remedy to overwhelming tragedy.
During tragedy we focus our prayers on the urgent and tend to ignore th important. It may be urgent that we receive a healing, but is is very important to just sit back and tell God how much we love and need Him. During a crisis, praying an "important" prayer is difficult. That is why we need to pray in non-crisis times. There is nothing wrong with praying during a crisis (in fact, we must), but if that is the only time we pray, there is something wrong!
Inferior substitute for the Gift of God
When Simon, who practiced sorcery, saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money saying: "Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive that Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:19, NKJV).
Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money" (Acts 8:20).
The Holy Spirit, the gift of God which speaks of the Anointing, is not a marketable commodity. We need to invest time in God's presence to receive that divine touch - the Anointing. In other words, we need to seek God continuously if we want to be used by him to touch lives.
Paul said, "I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speeech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" (1 Cor. 2:3 - 5).
Paul was convinced that the Holy Spirit would confirm his preaching without making use of his own human wisdom. Yet many of today's preachers depend solely upon their showmanship and eloquence or human wisdom. There is no substitute for the gift of God's Spirit which comes only with much prayer.
Seeking God in prayer develops conviction
Jesus said, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment; ..." (John 16:7, 8).
Clearly, convictions are established by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts in three areas: in sin, in righteousness, and in judgment. We need to give good thought to the area of righteousness. Many Christians today claim to be - "In the world and not of the world" and yet there is very little righteous living, even among the believers in the Local Church.
The key to our conviction is having a consistent prayer life. When there is no prayer, there is no Holy Spirit to convict. You can base your convictions on the Bible, but only if you are a person of prayer. If you are not a person of prayer, you will not have the guidance and instruction from the Holy Spirit that you need.
The Scripture has never been a source of conviction apart from the Holy Spirit. The New Testament Pharisees are ample proof of this. They knew and could quote all the Old Testament Scriptures, but that knowledge was useless to them because they had a wrong spirit. With their knowledge of the Old Testament, they were able to crucify the Son of God. That is why Jesus said it was to our advantage that He lieves to send the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit we can end up no better than the Pharisees!
God working in us
Paul said, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, ..."(Eph. 3:20, NKJV, emphasis added).
Paul also said, "... for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13, emphasis added).
Paul understood that God only does things in accordance with His power at work in us. Paul did not say "according to the power that works through us". There is a great difference here.
Most contemporary Christians want to be used mightily by God. In other words, they want God to work through them. But the fact is that anyone desires to be used by God. God has to work in him and not work through him. To desire God to work through him is a selfish desire.
How many of us are not tempted to pray for the gifs of the Spirit? Our fleshly nature tells us that if we are going to attract big crowds and to become a popular minister, we have got to have the Word of Knowledge; the Word of Wisdom; and the gifts of healings. We want God to work through us while God wanted to work in us. Wanting God to simply work through us is a pursuit for our own satisfaction and glory. On the other hand, wanting God to work in us is a pursuit of character development.
The fact is that we don't have to earn gifts and we don't even have to pray for gifts because we don't deserve any gift at all! The whole thought of being used by God is very appealing to the flesh. However, God can use anybody. God can work through a donkey. God's working through us is not the problem; God's working in us is!
We need to understand the connection between Jesus and the gifts. If seeking Jesus is our way of life, we will receive His gifts. Consequently, we must not focus on more of God using us than God Himself. We must not concern ourselves with the gifts as much as the fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, ... (Gal. 5:22, 23).
Paul said, "And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another" (Gal. 5:24 - 26, NKJV).
Conseder what Paul said to the Corinthians: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but I have not love, I am nothing" (1 Cor. 13:1, 2).
Paul's emphasis here is on character (the fruit) rather than the gifts. The gifts are of no value without the character (love) of Christ. Even if the gifts are in operation, the thing that impresses God is not what He can do through us but rather what He can do in us.
The gifts of the Spirit never prove a ministry. They work through us and can work in the life of any person to whom they are given. The fruit of the Spirit, on the other hand, proves who we are. Keep in mind that gifts are received, but fruit is developed!
To be used by God effectively
As we have seen above the key to effectiveness in our ministry is God working in us. When we spend great amounts of time in seeking God in prayer, it changes our ministry. We become far more effective because through spending time in the presence of God, people tend to see Jesus in us. It is not that fasting and prayer make a person a better speaker; it is that prayer and fasting denote self denial and character is developed through self denial.
When we focus on God's working through us, we primarily concern ourselves with what man sees. When we focus on God's working in us, we primarily concern ourselves with what God sees. We must develop a deep love for God, for God is love (1 John 4:8) and love is His fruit in us.
Jesus said, "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad treee bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (Matt. 7:17 - 10).
The kind of fruit we produce is determined by how much time we spend in the presence of God. God must always be our objective and never the gifts. We must let the gifts flow out of a right relationship with God.
Genuine Authority
One of the most prominent qualities of Jesus' preaching and teaching was the authority with which He spoke.
"And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Mark 1:22).
Many contemporary Christians do not understand what is meant by "authority" in this context. We must first acknowledge that this genuine authority is granted to us because of our position, not because of our vocal power. Since we are in Christ (that is our position), we have authority. One man's ability to project his voice further than another man does not means he has greater authority. In prayer, for example, if we are required to pray for something a second time, we will do so, only more loudly than the first time. If we are required to pray a third time, we will shout.
Jesus said to the Sudducees, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scripture nor the power of God" (Matt. 22:29).
Jeus mentioned two constituents of authority here - authority through knowledge of Scripture and authority through God's power.
Authority through knowledge and Power
We have the authority that Jesus spoke abut if we seek Him in prayer and in study of God's Word. God's Word provides us knowledge about God, while prayer will help us to know God.
A preacher might understand the Scipture and able to quote God's Word in both Hebrew and Greek; able to preach with great eloquence and fabulous style, but if he failed to let God working in him through seeking Him in prayer, he is a talented but powerless preacher. And his preaching lacks power and authority to change lives.
Proverbs 2:1 - 5 shows us the importance of the combination of God's Word and prayer. Through the practice of these two elements will result in the knowledge of God. Therefore, a preacher must discipline himself to pray diligently and to study God's Word diligently. Then only will he know God. Then only will signs and wonders manifested in his ministry.
God spoke to Jeremiah: "Call to me, and I will answer, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).
God has promised you those great and mighty things if only you will call to Him. When you are seeking and communing with Him, you are developing an awareness of His power. However, you will not see and experience that power until you transfer your head knowledge about God's power into heart knowledge through prayer. After much prayer, your intellectual assent will blossom into a life-changing reality which will permeate your life and ministry!
Our Lord is not a genie
It is easy to see that many contemporary Christians are guilty of the same selfishness and insensitivity of Aladdin. Tragically, we treat the Lord, our God, like a genie in a magic lamp. Like young Aladdin with his genie, we often have very little relationship with our God. We call on Him only when we are in a tight spot and need something.
Many of us are seeking things from God under the pretense of seeking God. When we are sick, we seek healing from God. When hard financial times hit, we seek money from God. We call this seeking God, but in reality we are light years away from seeking God. The one who truly seeks God expects only one thing: God. He is looking for God, not just the things God. The prayer of his life is, "God, I just want You".
I believe we share a common trait with God in relationships. Any time we begin a new relationship we are hesitant to reveal very much about who we really are. However, if that relationship begins to develop and we recognize that this person is truly interested in who we are, we begin to tell this person things about ourselves that we would tell no one else. In the same way, God is hesitant to reveal very much of Himself to any casual seeker. However, when a person is truly interested in knowing who He is, he will seek Him in prayer. To such a person, God will reveal Himself in dynamic ways.
The urgent or the important
In contemporary Christianity, the demand of time in our work life, family life, Church life and social life is so great that we do not find much time in a day to pray. But when one of our children is seriously ill, or we receive a salary cut at work, or we are diagnosed as terminally ill, the day seems to expand. Suddenly, there is time enough to pray.
If we only pray when we are in the midst of a crisis, we develop the idea that prayer is just an "SOS" to God. Consequently, we never pray unless there is a disaster so great that we need to transmit a distress call to God. We are left with the misconception that prayer is a communication used exclusively as a remedy to overwhelming tragedy.
During tragedy we focus our prayers on the urgent and tend to ignore th important. It may be urgent that we receive a healing, but is is very important to just sit back and tell God how much we love and need Him. During a crisis, praying an "important" prayer is difficult. That is why we need to pray in non-crisis times. There is nothing wrong with praying during a crisis (in fact, we must), but if that is the only time we pray, there is something wrong!
Inferior substitute for the Gift of God
When Simon, who practiced sorcery, saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money saying: "Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive that Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:19, NKJV).
Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money" (Acts 8:20).
The Holy Spirit, the gift of God which speaks of the Anointing, is not a marketable commodity. We need to invest time in God's presence to receive that divine touch - the Anointing. In other words, we need to seek God continuously if we want to be used by him to touch lives.
Paul said, "I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speeech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" (1 Cor. 2:3 - 5).
Paul was convinced that the Holy Spirit would confirm his preaching without making use of his own human wisdom. Yet many of today's preachers depend solely upon their showmanship and eloquence or human wisdom. There is no substitute for the gift of God's Spirit which comes only with much prayer.
Seeking God in prayer develops conviction
Jesus said, "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment; ..." (John 16:7, 8).
Clearly, convictions are established by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts in three areas: in sin, in righteousness, and in judgment. We need to give good thought to the area of righteousness. Many Christians today claim to be - "In the world and not of the world" and yet there is very little righteous living, even among the believers in the Local Church.
The key to our conviction is having a consistent prayer life. When there is no prayer, there is no Holy Spirit to convict. You can base your convictions on the Bible, but only if you are a person of prayer. If you are not a person of prayer, you will not have the guidance and instruction from the Holy Spirit that you need.
The Scripture has never been a source of conviction apart from the Holy Spirit. The New Testament Pharisees are ample proof of this. They knew and could quote all the Old Testament Scriptures, but that knowledge was useless to them because they had a wrong spirit. With their knowledge of the Old Testament, they were able to crucify the Son of God. That is why Jesus said it was to our advantage that He lieves to send the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit we can end up no better than the Pharisees!
God working in us
Paul said, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, ..."(Eph. 3:20, NKJV, emphasis added).
Paul also said, "... for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13, emphasis added).
Paul understood that God only does things in accordance with His power at work in us. Paul did not say "according to the power that works through us". There is a great difference here.
Most contemporary Christians want to be used mightily by God. In other words, they want God to work through them. But the fact is that anyone desires to be used by God. God has to work in him and not work through him. To desire God to work through him is a selfish desire.
How many of us are not tempted to pray for the gifs of the Spirit? Our fleshly nature tells us that if we are going to attract big crowds and to become a popular minister, we have got to have the Word of Knowledge; the Word of Wisdom; and the gifts of healings. We want God to work through us while God wanted to work in us. Wanting God to simply work through us is a pursuit for our own satisfaction and glory. On the other hand, wanting God to work in us is a pursuit of character development.
The fact is that we don't have to earn gifts and we don't even have to pray for gifts because we don't deserve any gift at all! The whole thought of being used by God is very appealing to the flesh. However, God can use anybody. God can work through a donkey. God's working through us is not the problem; God's working in us is!
We need to understand the connection between Jesus and the gifts. If seeking Jesus is our way of life, we will receive His gifts. Consequently, we must not focus on more of God using us than God Himself. We must not concern ourselves with the gifts as much as the fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, ... (Gal. 5:22, 23).
Paul said, "And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another" (Gal. 5:24 - 26, NKJV).
Conseder what Paul said to the Corinthians: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but I have not love, I am nothing" (1 Cor. 13:1, 2).
Paul's emphasis here is on character (the fruit) rather than the gifts. The gifts are of no value without the character (love) of Christ. Even if the gifts are in operation, the thing that impresses God is not what He can do through us but rather what He can do in us.
The gifts of the Spirit never prove a ministry. They work through us and can work in the life of any person to whom they are given. The fruit of the Spirit, on the other hand, proves who we are. Keep in mind that gifts are received, but fruit is developed!
To be used by God effectively
As we have seen above the key to effectiveness in our ministry is God working in us. When we spend great amounts of time in seeking God in prayer, it changes our ministry. We become far more effective because through spending time in the presence of God, people tend to see Jesus in us. It is not that fasting and prayer make a person a better speaker; it is that prayer and fasting denote self denial and character is developed through self denial.
When we focus on God's working through us, we primarily concern ourselves with what man sees. When we focus on God's working in us, we primarily concern ourselves with what God sees. We must develop a deep love for God, for God is love (1 John 4:8) and love is His fruit in us.
Jesus said, "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad treee bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (Matt. 7:17 - 10).
The kind of fruit we produce is determined by how much time we spend in the presence of God. God must always be our objective and never the gifts. We must let the gifts flow out of a right relationship with God.
Genuine Authority
One of the most prominent qualities of Jesus' preaching and teaching was the authority with which He spoke.
"And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Mark 1:22).
Many contemporary Christians do not understand what is meant by "authority" in this context. We must first acknowledge that this genuine authority is granted to us because of our position, not because of our vocal power. Since we are in Christ (that is our position), we have authority. One man's ability to project his voice further than another man does not means he has greater authority. In prayer, for example, if we are required to pray for something a second time, we will do so, only more loudly than the first time. If we are required to pray a third time, we will shout.
Jesus said to the Sudducees, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scripture nor the power of God" (Matt. 22:29).
Jeus mentioned two constituents of authority here - authority through knowledge of Scripture and authority through God's power.
Authority through knowledge and Power
We have the authority that Jesus spoke abut if we seek Him in prayer and in study of God's Word. God's Word provides us knowledge about God, while prayer will help us to know God.
A preacher might understand the Scipture and able to quote God's Word in both Hebrew and Greek; able to preach with great eloquence and fabulous style, but if he failed to let God working in him through seeking Him in prayer, he is a talented but powerless preacher. And his preaching lacks power and authority to change lives.
Proverbs 2:1 - 5 shows us the importance of the combination of God's Word and prayer. Through the practice of these two elements will result in the knowledge of God. Therefore, a preacher must discipline himself to pray diligently and to study God's Word diligently. Then only will he know God. Then only will signs and wonders manifested in his ministry.
God spoke to Jeremiah: "Call to me, and I will answer, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).
God has promised you those great and mighty things if only you will call to Him. When you are seeking and communing with Him, you are developing an awareness of His power. However, you will not see and experience that power until you transfer your head knowledge about God's power into heart knowledge through prayer. After much prayer, your intellectual assent will blossom into a life-changing reality which will permeate your life and ministry!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Victory through God's Word
To live according to God's Word is to live in victory. In fact the Bible says Jesus Himself is the Word of God. Jesus is the Word made flesh - "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14, NKJV).
The Word became a man and lived among those who believed in Him. When Jesus speaks, the Father Father speaks through Him, revealing eternal truth to us. Jesus' words are spirit, life and truth.
Moses said to the children of Israel: "So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord" (Deut. 8:3, emphasis added).
Therefore Jesus also said, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
If you are to live by faith, every Word that proceeds from God's mouth you will have to live by. If you are to live by faith you will not base your decisions on your own intellect or rational thought, nor on your senses, but on what God says in His Word. His Word will be a constant source of life for you and the foundation upon which you structure your life.
Rock and Sand
Jesus told a parable to his disciples toward the end of His Sermon on the Mount:
"Therefore whoever hears these sayings (words) of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall" (Matt. 7:24 - 27, NKJV).
A man built his house on the rock and another built his house on the sand. The one who built on the rock heard God's Words and put them into practice. The other heard God but did not do what He said.
The obedient one experienced victory when the storm came. He was able to withstand all the pressures that came against him. The one who had built on the sand had heard what God said, but had not obeyed. He suffered the loss of his house in the storm.
If you are to be a man or woman of faith, you will need to apply God's Word to your life. There is no point in possessing a Bible, reading it and even saying that you believe what is written there, if you are not prepared to put the Word into action. The one who lives the Word will be victorious.
Faith is not knowing a series of promises which you claim for yourself. These promises are part of the Covenant God has made with His children. He will certainly keep His side of the covenant and will bless you abundantly. He expects you to live by your side of the Covenant: to live according to His Word and by the power of His Spirit. This can only be done by faith.
The man of faith realizes that the whole revelation of God's Word is for him. He cannot pick and choose what he fancies. These are words to obey and promises to believe. Both belong together.
God intends you to be able to withstand whatever storms batter you, whatever difficulties confront you. Faith and obedience form the way of victory: hearing God, believing what He says and do it.
Being set free by the Truth of His Word
The words of Jesus are the answer to every human need. It is through His words that believers are set free:
Jesus said, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31, 32).
Here are some statements of truth:
1. Notice the conditions for being set free by the truth of the Word. Only those who uphold the truth of His Word are true disciples (true believers or true Christians).
2. Only true disciples (true believers or true Christians) understand the truth of His word.
3. Only true disciples (true believers or true Christians) shall be set free by His Word.
4. Many believers (true or otherwise) try to find liberty and freedom from their needs and problems in other ways - through philosophy and psychology, through techniques in the ministries and prayers of "great" men of God. But none of these methods will work for them. It is only the truth of God's (Jesus') Word and what He had accomplished, that will actually liberate people.
The Holy Spirit guides us into all Truth
The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth and one of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the Truth of God's Word to us. Without the help of the Holy Spirit there is no way we can understand the Scripture.
Jesus said, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you" (John 16:13, 14).
The Holy Spirit does not act in independence. He "will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I (Jesus) said to you" (John 14:26).
When the truth of God's Word becomes revelation in our hearts, faith will be created within us. Only then can we be motivated to obey Him. Then we are able to act upon his words. When we do so, we experience peace. Failure to live God's Word leads to conflict. We then have no confidence before God. Our prayer life will be affected because we lack confidence of receiving answers from God. And such doubt and lack of confidence prevents both faith and victory.
Faith and Obedience
Faith within you is inspired by hearing God's Word in you heart. The Holy Spirit takes the words of the Scripture and speaks them to you, so you know you have heard directly from God (though not audibly).
The Holy Spirit will not convict a believer of sin and promise blessing at the same moment. What the Lord does, both in Scripture and in Christian's experience, is to give promise of blessing if there is repentance first.
Moses said, "All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God" (deut. 28:2).
To recognize Jesus as your Lord is to respect His authority over you. When your soul and body are submitted to the influence of His Spirit you will be mightily blessed, and will have confidence before God in your Christian walk (please read my earlier posting - The Spirit, Soul and Body of man).
To walk in obedience and submission is to walk in love for the Lord. This is not to be a begrudging submission coming from a rebellious heart, but a willing response to His love. It is love answering love. In His love God gives; in your love you submit willingly to His authority and obey.
John said, "Beloved, if your heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight" (1 John 3:21, 22, NKJV).
Allowing Jesus to be the Lord in the daily circumstance of your life gives you confidence before Him. You want to obey Him and do what pleases Him. In response, he wants to bless you and grant the desire of your heart.
Psalmist David said, "delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:4).
Those living a victorious life walk in obedience to Jesus and the truth of His Word. This is true fellowship. He is the Victor. He is the Answer to your every need. And you can live in close harmony and fellowship with Him. Not only will you be blessed as a result, but others will be blessed because of you. When your life is submitted to Jesus, His Spirit flows out of your life as rivers of living water (John 7:38). And others are blessed with God's love and power because of you.
Faith, feelings and Reason
It is common to find believers contradict the Truth of His Word with their reason.. There will be occasions when their feelings seem utterly oppose to what God says in His Word. At such time they will have to choose whether they will trust their feelings, or believe the truth of God's word.
This is one of the most important aspects of a life of faith. The temptation to believe the natural reason rather than the supernatural power of God will always be with you. Reason limits the Lord in your life; faith releases His activity in your experience.
Life's experience tells us that it is easier to believe reason than revelation; it is easier to believe feelings than the Word; it is easier to listen to your doubts than to the Lord! Yes, easier - but not right.
This is the point of struggle for many Christians. It is so much more reasonable to believe what you can see, touch or feel. But faith is believing what you do not see (Heb. 11:1). Are you going to adopt the easy way, or live by faith?
A problem of the children of Israel (Numbers 13, 14)
The children of Israel wandered around the wilderness for a whole generation because of their lack of faith. When Moses sent the spies ahead into the Promised Land, ten of the twelve believed what they saw rather than the promises God had given them. They listened to their fears instead of to their faith.
Only Joshua and Caleb listened to the Lord, believing His words. To Joshua was given the privilege of leading the people into their inheritance. But those who listened to their fears perished in the wilderness. For them the promises of God and their own ambitions remained unfulfilled.
God is not opposed to reason; He is beyond reason. His thoughts and ways are much higher than your thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:9). Do not limit the Lord by your reason. If God says one thing and you say another, someone has to be wrong! Whenever you contradict the Lord you can be sure He is right. He will not change His Word to accommodate your reason or feelings. It is your ideas and attitudes which will need to be changed and be brought into line with His Truth.
Many do not walk in victory and experience triumph in their Christian lives because they choose to believe themselves; to believe what they think or fear, rather than to agree with God's revelation of truth and the promises He gives in His Word. You have to make the decision whether you believe waht God says or whether you trust your own wisdom instead.
For true believers, there can be no compromise on this point. You cannot mix a little of the Word with your own wisdom and expect to see great things from God. Your mind will need to be submitted to His Spirit. And He will reveal the truth to you. What He wants from you is - hear the truth; believe the truth and obey the truth.
The wise man built on the rock. If you are wise you will listen carefully to the Lord and put His words into practice. If on the other hand, you choose to be foolish, you may hear what He says but trust in your own "wisdom" instead. Then you will build your house on the sand and it will not be able to withstand the storms of life. The choice is yours - are you going to be wise or foolish?
The Word became a man and lived among those who believed in Him. When Jesus speaks, the Father Father speaks through Him, revealing eternal truth to us. Jesus' words are spirit, life and truth.
Moses said to the children of Israel: "So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord" (Deut. 8:3, emphasis added).
Therefore Jesus also said, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
If you are to live by faith, every Word that proceeds from God's mouth you will have to live by. If you are to live by faith you will not base your decisions on your own intellect or rational thought, nor on your senses, but on what God says in His Word. His Word will be a constant source of life for you and the foundation upon which you structure your life.
Rock and Sand
Jesus told a parable to his disciples toward the end of His Sermon on the Mount:
"Therefore whoever hears these sayings (words) of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall" (Matt. 7:24 - 27, NKJV).
A man built his house on the rock and another built his house on the sand. The one who built on the rock heard God's Words and put them into practice. The other heard God but did not do what He said.
The obedient one experienced victory when the storm came. He was able to withstand all the pressures that came against him. The one who had built on the sand had heard what God said, but had not obeyed. He suffered the loss of his house in the storm.
If you are to be a man or woman of faith, you will need to apply God's Word to your life. There is no point in possessing a Bible, reading it and even saying that you believe what is written there, if you are not prepared to put the Word into action. The one who lives the Word will be victorious.
Faith is not knowing a series of promises which you claim for yourself. These promises are part of the Covenant God has made with His children. He will certainly keep His side of the covenant and will bless you abundantly. He expects you to live by your side of the Covenant: to live according to His Word and by the power of His Spirit. This can only be done by faith.
The man of faith realizes that the whole revelation of God's Word is for him. He cannot pick and choose what he fancies. These are words to obey and promises to believe. Both belong together.
God intends you to be able to withstand whatever storms batter you, whatever difficulties confront you. Faith and obedience form the way of victory: hearing God, believing what He says and do it.
Being set free by the Truth of His Word
The words of Jesus are the answer to every human need. It is through His words that believers are set free:
Jesus said, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31, 32).
Here are some statements of truth:
1. Notice the conditions for being set free by the truth of the Word. Only those who uphold the truth of His Word are true disciples (true believers or true Christians).
2. Only true disciples (true believers or true Christians) understand the truth of His word.
3. Only true disciples (true believers or true Christians) shall be set free by His Word.
4. Many believers (true or otherwise) try to find liberty and freedom from their needs and problems in other ways - through philosophy and psychology, through techniques in the ministries and prayers of "great" men of God. But none of these methods will work for them. It is only the truth of God's (Jesus') Word and what He had accomplished, that will actually liberate people.
The Holy Spirit guides us into all Truth
The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth and one of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the Truth of God's Word to us. Without the help of the Holy Spirit there is no way we can understand the Scripture.
Jesus said, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you" (John 16:13, 14).
The Holy Spirit does not act in independence. He "will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I (Jesus) said to you" (John 14:26).
When the truth of God's Word becomes revelation in our hearts, faith will be created within us. Only then can we be motivated to obey Him. Then we are able to act upon his words. When we do so, we experience peace. Failure to live God's Word leads to conflict. We then have no confidence before God. Our prayer life will be affected because we lack confidence of receiving answers from God. And such doubt and lack of confidence prevents both faith and victory.
Faith and Obedience
Faith within you is inspired by hearing God's Word in you heart. The Holy Spirit takes the words of the Scripture and speaks them to you, so you know you have heard directly from God (though not audibly).
The Holy Spirit will not convict a believer of sin and promise blessing at the same moment. What the Lord does, both in Scripture and in Christian's experience, is to give promise of blessing if there is repentance first.
Moses said, "All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God" (deut. 28:2).
To recognize Jesus as your Lord is to respect His authority over you. When your soul and body are submitted to the influence of His Spirit you will be mightily blessed, and will have confidence before God in your Christian walk (please read my earlier posting - The Spirit, Soul and Body of man).
To walk in obedience and submission is to walk in love for the Lord. This is not to be a begrudging submission coming from a rebellious heart, but a willing response to His love. It is love answering love. In His love God gives; in your love you submit willingly to His authority and obey.
John said, "Beloved, if your heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight" (1 John 3:21, 22, NKJV).
Allowing Jesus to be the Lord in the daily circumstance of your life gives you confidence before Him. You want to obey Him and do what pleases Him. In response, he wants to bless you and grant the desire of your heart.
Psalmist David said, "delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:4).
Those living a victorious life walk in obedience to Jesus and the truth of His Word. This is true fellowship. He is the Victor. He is the Answer to your every need. And you can live in close harmony and fellowship with Him. Not only will you be blessed as a result, but others will be blessed because of you. When your life is submitted to Jesus, His Spirit flows out of your life as rivers of living water (John 7:38). And others are blessed with God's love and power because of you.
Faith, feelings and Reason
It is common to find believers contradict the Truth of His Word with their reason.. There will be occasions when their feelings seem utterly oppose to what God says in His Word. At such time they will have to choose whether they will trust their feelings, or believe the truth of God's word.
This is one of the most important aspects of a life of faith. The temptation to believe the natural reason rather than the supernatural power of God will always be with you. Reason limits the Lord in your life; faith releases His activity in your experience.
Life's experience tells us that it is easier to believe reason than revelation; it is easier to believe feelings than the Word; it is easier to listen to your doubts than to the Lord! Yes, easier - but not right.
This is the point of struggle for many Christians. It is so much more reasonable to believe what you can see, touch or feel. But faith is believing what you do not see (Heb. 11:1). Are you going to adopt the easy way, or live by faith?
A problem of the children of Israel (Numbers 13, 14)
The children of Israel wandered around the wilderness for a whole generation because of their lack of faith. When Moses sent the spies ahead into the Promised Land, ten of the twelve believed what they saw rather than the promises God had given them. They listened to their fears instead of to their faith.
Only Joshua and Caleb listened to the Lord, believing His words. To Joshua was given the privilege of leading the people into their inheritance. But those who listened to their fears perished in the wilderness. For them the promises of God and their own ambitions remained unfulfilled.
God is not opposed to reason; He is beyond reason. His thoughts and ways are much higher than your thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:9). Do not limit the Lord by your reason. If God says one thing and you say another, someone has to be wrong! Whenever you contradict the Lord you can be sure He is right. He will not change His Word to accommodate your reason or feelings. It is your ideas and attitudes which will need to be changed and be brought into line with His Truth.
Many do not walk in victory and experience triumph in their Christian lives because they choose to believe themselves; to believe what they think or fear, rather than to agree with God's revelation of truth and the promises He gives in His Word. You have to make the decision whether you believe waht God says or whether you trust your own wisdom instead.
For true believers, there can be no compromise on this point. You cannot mix a little of the Word with your own wisdom and expect to see great things from God. Your mind will need to be submitted to His Spirit. And He will reveal the truth to you. What He wants from you is - hear the truth; believe the truth and obey the truth.
The wise man built on the rock. If you are wise you will listen carefully to the Lord and put His words into practice. If on the other hand, you choose to be foolish, you may hear what He says but trust in your own "wisdom" instead. Then you will build your house on the sand and it will not be able to withstand the storms of life. The choice is yours - are you going to be wise or foolish?
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